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First Aid Kit Essentials: Everything You Should Have

first aid case

There are a large majority of households that do not own a properly stocked or updated first aid kit that is readily available in the event of an incident. We want to take a moment, and provide you with a few tips and essentials for an effective first aid kit that will provide you with everything you need, should an incident arise.


Bandages are one of the most important pieces to a well-stocked first aid kit. They can range anywhere from small strip and butterfly bandages, to elastic wrap bandages, to non-stick sterile bandages and rolled gauze. Make sure to stock your first aid kit with assorted sizes and forms of bandages.


Essential to any first aid kit, antiseptics are useful as they help to treat, clean, and provide relief for infected areas such as open wounds, burns, cuts, and abrasions of the skin. In your first aid kit, don’t forget to include antiseptic solution and towelettes to help soothe and heal your skin ailments.


There are many types of insect bites and stings, and some that can cause an allergic reaction for some individuals. One of the most common, are bee stings. A great inclusion to your first aid kit, is a bee sting kit. This typically includes an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) and an antihistamine tablet. This kit is great to have because you never know who could need it in an emergency.


Occasionally, poison ivy can be a difficult plant to notice if you are spending time outside and not thinking about coming in contact with it. So, a few extra handy things to include in your first aid kit would be poison ivy remedies. These include hydrocortisone creams, calamine lotion, and antihistamine tablets. You never know when poison ivy could get the best of you, and you need some relief.

Are you in need off essential supplies to stock or build your first aid kit?

Stop by our pharmacy to pick up everything you need, today!

We have a wide variety of first aid supplies at Walker’s Drug Store! We would love to help answer any questions you may have about building a useful first aid kit with all of the essentials.

Warm Regards,
Jeff Lemelin
Owner, Pharmacist – Walkers Drug Store

This entry was posted in May 2017. Bookmark the permalink.

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